Services &
Sermon Series

  • Worship | Visio Divina
    5/12/24 •

    Worship | Visio Divina

    Have you ever looked up at a brilliant sunset or gazed at the intricate petals of a flower and felt a sense of awe wash over you? In those moments, it's as if the beauty of creation is beckoning us to consider the Creator. This is the heart behind the spiritual practice of Visio Divina, or "divine seeing."

  • Intro to Faith Practices | 1 Corinthians 13:1-8
    5/5/24 •

    Intro to Faith Practices | 1 Corinthians 13:1-8

    Come discover the "unforced rhythms of grace" that Jesus offers in Matthew 11:28-30. Faith practices are not about earning God's love but creating space to experience it more fully. They are a response to our deepest desire for more of God, a way to "keep company" with Jesus in the midst of life's demands. Get ready to be inspired to engage your faith as a relationship to be savored, not a performance to be mastered!